Saturday, August 29, 2009

Can you make money by spending money?

In this economy, people's initial reaction is to save and not spend.  Cut corners and cut back.  But what that course of action feeds into is a poverty awareness.  "We don't have enough money."  "We're not going to make it."  With that mindset, how can you ever get ahead?

Would a new suit help you land that high profile job you have an interview for?  If you don't buy that suit, you are not helping your image or your mentality that you are deserving.

Would painting your home make you feel better, more relaxed and fresh and new?  Likewise, think about the feeling you get when you look at a great photo that you love, or a sculpture from that once in a lifetime trip.

The point is, keep pleasing things in your mind, and you will attract more of them.  If a dream mural of a dream vacation on your wall would give you pleasing memories or thoughts of escape, you can imagine how seeing it every day can affect your mood.  A good mood will affect how you will perform.  A good mood will attract good things into your life.

Every journey begins with a single step.  Help yourself out by taking care of your attitude and happiness first.  Good things will follow.

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